Linking our Lives: England and Wales since 1971: a podcast about research making use of the ONS Longitudinal Study

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Researching internal migration: championing the ONS Longitudinal Study

In Episode 1 of Series 3, we’re talking about how uniquely placed the ONS Longitudinal Study is to research questions of internal migration and telling you more about ...

Household responses to trade shocks

In Episode 12 of Linking our Lives we're in conversation with Dr Aitor Irastorza-Fadrique who, together with colleages at the Institute for Fiscal  Studies, has used t...

How equal are the impacts of cycling investments?

In Episode 11 of Linking our Lives, we're joined by Dr Richard Patterson, from the . Richard has been using the ONS LS to investigate the impacts of funding to support...

Britain’s cultural and creative industries: open to all or dominated by the privileged few?

In Episode 10 of Linking our Lives, we're joined by Dr Orian Brook, Chancellor’s Fellow in Social Policy at the University of Edinburgh. Orian has been using the ONS L...

Creative and ambitious research: what digital data infrastructure do we need for that?

In Episode 9 of Linking our Lives recorded at the UK Census Longitudinal Studies Conference 2022 at Cardiff Castle, we are in conversation with Catherine Bromley the E...

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